Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Day With The Family_03142009

As you'll see with this blog I've discovered a wonderful way to make a slideshow of my pics ( cool)!!!  And since I like to take a LOT of pictures & it's TOO difficult for me to pick just a few to post I figured this would be the best & easiest way for me to post them all!!

Last weekend I decided last minute to spend the day with my family!!  On my way home I called to "warn" them...if you will...and to my surprise Kannon answered the phone!!  He was bragging about eating Mickey Mouse pancakes & eggs!!  I told him how jealous I was & asked that he ask Gramma to save some for me...which luckily she did!!  MMMM...I sure do LOVE my Mother's cooking!!!

It was a fun-filled day which began with breakfast & ended with a bowling excursion with Jared, Jodi & Danny!!  This first slideshow shows the amazing pancake & eggs that we got to enjoy along with some of the score/screen shots showing the skillz that our family has at bowling, as well as some photos of Jessi playing and eating snow!!  What a fun family member she is!!!

Following are some photos of the fun time we had while cleaning out our cars!!  Kannon was a HUGE help, after he completed his stop sign of course!!

This last slideshow has some photos that Kannon took!!  It's amazing how much he takes after his Mother!!!

This little video clip shows how much fun Kannon has when helping us out!!


1 comment:

Jodi Lou said...

Oh man...SOOO much to comment on. First of all...good work on the slideshow!! Much better idea! Second...we have the RADDEST Mom on the planet!! That Mickey Mouse pancake thing was freakin' adorable!! Third...Bowling was freakin' hilarious and I totally wasted y'all in the first game!! Woot woot!! And lastly...I simply adore Kannon and the way his lil' mind works! He is such a blessing to our lil' family and I love him to pieces!!!