Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mother's Mucinous Cystadenoma

The Family's had some "fun" (to say the least) medical adventures lately!! The one I'm posting about today is in regards to my AMAZING Mother!!

Mother has been in a great deal of pain over the last month or so...it's hard to tell exactly how long because Mother does not reveal to anyone when she's suffering!! A quality I wish she didn't have!!! Anywho...it was discovered a couple weeks ago that Mother had a mucinous cystadenoma growing inside her!! (Thanks Dr Nick for the medical terminology!!!!)

On Tues, Aug 11th Mother went in for surgery!! When she came out the doctor told her that the cyst that was removed weighed the size of a small watermelon...a whopping 12-lbs!! YES...you heard correctly...TWELVE POUNDS!!! Can you believe it?!?!

We are VERY blessed in the fact that the cyst was tested & the results of the test showed that it was benign...NO CANCER!! PHEW!!!!

{Mother's X-Ray}

{Mother's Cyst Identified}

Mother is now at home recovering!!! She should be having a follow-up visit & supposedly the doctor took pics of the cyst. This being said, there just might be an upcoming posting with "sick pics"...if you know what I mean?!?!

Thank you SOOOO much to ALL my Friends & Family for your LOVE & concern for not only me but my Family!! Words will NEVER express my appreciate for your support!!!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

NEW Arrival...Charlotte Paula Miller_08122009

Yesterday was ANOTHER momentous day in our family!! My brother, Chuck, & his amazing wife & her little boy, Haley & Kannon, welcomed to this world a BE-A-UTIFUL little girl...Charlotte Paula Miller!!! She was born at approximately 11:10pm, she weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz & measured 19 1/2 in long!! Chuck's been keeping Charlotte's middle name a secret...not really a secret, but they've been trying to think of a "good" one & I guess yesterday while Chuck & Haley were at lunch (or dinner...I don't remember the EXACT specifics) they were mentioning names & once they said Paula (my Mother's ONLY sibling who passed away last year after battling cancer) Chuck said the Spirit hit him like a "ton of bricks" & the rest is history!! As those of you who know us Miller's, once we got the text from Chuck announcing the "newbies" name we all burst out in sobs!!! I absolutely LOVE my family!!!

I wanted to get some shots last night with my camera, but once I got in the room I didn't want to flash the baby out, so I got a few on my iPhone!! I will post more as they become available, but here's the few I took!! ENJOY!!!

{Kannon & Me Outside the Hospital}

{Grampa, Kannon & Jodi Awaiting the Announcement}

{Grampa Miller With Baby Charlotte}

{Aunt Jodi With Baby Charlotte}

{Baby Charlotte Already Showing Her Fun Side}

{Baby Charlotte Scoping Things Out}

{Baby Charlotte Close Ups}

Welcome to THE Family, Charlotte Paula Miller!!! You are LOVEd!!!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Attitude...Improving It!!!

I've been doing my usual "deep thinking" lately, which isn't good cause it gets me down, which is LAME cause I've had some GRRREAT times with family & friends (old & new)!! Just the other day I was talking with a dear friend about memories...how is it that some of the best memories can be buried deep in our consciences, yet the not-so-good ones are readily available & nearly impossible to forget?!?! Don't get me wrong...I pride myself on being a "rememberer"...almost TOO good...what I'm referring to is times, people & experiences that should not be dwelt on that just can't seem to get out of my head!! It's VERY frustrating!! All well..."life goes on and life is good"!!! (MA.T.)

Of course I know that life has it's challenges & my family hasn't had the best of luck lately with medical issues...Father in the hospital with bleeding ulcers, Jodester wiping out on the Alpine Slide, & Mother having a 12-pound cyst removed from her abdomen. But then there are good things coming about as well...baby Charlotte due ANY DAY NOW!!!

Well...with all this going on I've been trying to think of ways that I can improve my attitude...not only personal but professional as well!! One of my all-time favorite quotes on attitude is from Charles Swindoll:
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than failures, than successes. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company. . . a church. . . a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. . . we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is attitude. . . . I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."

A GRRREAT example of this positive attitude is a gentle-man by the name of George D Durrant. I first met Bro Durrant while on my mission in the Great White North. Bro Durrant was serving as a CES missionary & EVERYtime anyone greeted this fine brother & aksed him how he was doing he would reply: "My Best Day So Far!!" It didn't matter how many people aksed him it was always the same response!!

All this being said, my boss sent me the following in an email earlier today that I feel is good enough to share with EVERYONE:

Do You Want a Smile With That?
By: Michelle Joyce

The McDonald’s drive thru in Huntersville, North Carolina, has personal face-to-face service. (I actually put my car in reverse because I thought I had missed the intercom!) When I drove up to the window, the friendliest guy on the planet greeted me with an energetic, “Good Morning! How are you today?” I was stunned.

I am not a big fan of fast food – or their lack of customer service – but when I drove through this particular McDonald’s to get a cup of coffee on my way to work, my attitude changed. This smiling employee actually put me in a better mood.

He was happy and friendly. He greeted me and engaged me in conversation before he took my order. He then offered a variety of options that I didn’t know existed. A simple cup of coffee turned into a medium, sugar-free vanilla, non-fat latte. And when the transaction was over, he thanked me, wished me well, and told me to “drive safely” on my way to work.

I received better customer service in those 30 seconds, than I did when I bought a brand new car last year. And this guy didn’t even work on commission.

As I drove to work, I continued to think about the transaction. Salespeople often get into a routine of saying the same thing, in the same tone, and in the same sequence every day. But this worker’s positive attitude and desire to serve was inspiring. I didn’t expect this type of “VIP treatment” at a fast food joint, and I was blown away at the pride that this gentleman took in his job. The more I recalled the event, the more I realized… if this guy could evoke this much emotion from me over a medium, sugar-free vanilla, non-fat latte, then what kind of a difference could I make in the lives of my prospective customers today? I was up for the challenge.

The plan was simple. All I had to do was follow the three steps that made this transaction so memorable:

1. Start with a smile and engage your prospect in a friendly manner. Would you do business with someone you didn’t like? Well, neither would your prospect. This guy made me like him – immediately. And when he made that connection, the transaction became enjoyable. And it was all about me, not just my order.

2. Offer alternative solutions. People want choices. And just because you can recite all the bells and whistles of your products in your sleep, don’t assume that your customer is aware of them. Uncover their needs and help them make a choice. McDonald's already mastered the upsell technique with their famous line, “Do you want fries with that?” What kind of additional features and services can you upsell? Better asked, what kind of additional revenue are you leaving on the table at every sale?

3. End the transaction with something memorable. When is the last time that a fast food worker told you to “drive safely”? I am used to the generic lines of “thank you” and “have a nice day”; but this guy was genuinely concerned about my personal safety. (Or at least he made me feel that way.) What are you saying to your customers that make them remember you personally? What differentiates you from every other salesperson?

The plan is simple. But it’s not a matter of understanding these principles; it’s a matter of you actually practicing them every day. I am thankful that a friendly person reminded me of what it takes to be great in sales and service. I needed that kind of jolt to refocus my attention to the simple details that work – and away from the “doom” that everyone keeps talking about. The reality is that people are still buying products and services in this economy. The only question is will they buy them from you?

Focus on these three steps today:
1. Greet a new friend.
2. Up sell something.
3. And make them remember you.

Oh, and if you are ever in Huntersville, North Carolina, stop by the McDonalds on Statesville Road. Ask for Burg – he will take excellent care of you. (be careful of the up sell!)

**Sales Caffeine Issue 404, Aug 4 2009, Jeffrey Gitomer (Publisher), http://www.gitomer.com/salesMagazine/PrintableEzine.html?key=ajcdMibak3OArFpX8WdWvA%3D%3D

These principles don't have to apply just to "sales"!! They can apply to ALL aspects of our lives!! I always hear "can one person really make a difference?!" Well...I believe they can!! I LOVE the movie "Pay It Forward"...even though it's depressing as H***!!! The underlying point is what really matters!! "Things" have to start someplace & why not with me (or you)!!! I hope that I can take what I've written into my life daily...NO...every second!!!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Provo Canyon Camping_July 31 - Aug 1 2009

Last year I had the AMAZING opportunity to go camping nearly every weekend!! It was SOO much fun!! This year I haven't been as lucky, but I've still had some GRRRREAT times!! The other weekend we planned a trip to our "old" spot. We had more people show up to this one then any trip we planned last year!! Hopefully we can have more chances to go this year!!

This trip Spencer went scavenging for some firewood & while he was out he came across a big round tree to make some seats for around the fire!! We got a little distracted making the seats cause the inside of this log was a little different than other trees...the inside was falling out right in the middle!! You can't see from these pics how it was "falling out" BUT it looked like it would make a perfect "Throne"!! It became a running joke throughout the rest of the night!! I didn't get a very good pic of the finished product but just know it was GOOOOD!!!!
{THE Throne}
{The Morning After}
{Spencer Making Breakfast & My Smiley Face Pancake}

{Spencer Working on THE Throne}


Park City & Oakley Cabin _July 24-25 2009

I'm SOOO grateful for the times that I get to spend with my family!! A lot of times we don't do much, but when we DO get together & DO do something we have TONS of fun!! Even though sometimes there might be some injuries!! But the scars can be well worth it, eh Jodes?!?!

For the last several years my family plans a trip to Park City in celebration of my Mother's b-day. This year there was just WAY too much happening around the 1st of the month & the only weekend we could all get together was the 24th!! My brother Chuck's bishop has a cabin in Oakley UT & Chuck arranged it so that we could have a few night there. It was SOOO much fun!!! Thnx Chuck & Haley for working out the details!!!

I'm hoping that in the future I can be more prompt in posting my blogs so that I can take the time to not make a slide show & be able to explain the pics more, but for now...DEAL WITH IT!!!

Fairview Cabin & ATVing_07112009

I was invited to spend sometime at a friend's cabin near Fairview!! You can tell from the vid clips that we did a little ATVing!! This is TRUE ATVing!!! It was SOOOO much fun!! I can't wait to go again!!!


Nick's PickUp Hockey & Applebees_07022009

My GRRRREAT friends, Nick & Ku'ulei, have returned from medical skool for a few weeks & I've been lucky enough to spend a little bit of time with them!! Hopefully I will have MANY more opportunities, but below is a slide show of just one of the nights!!!
